Maybe a blurred image of a speeding helmeted bike riding triathaloner....
Are you on a river with a paddle breezing down a wild river......
Well....think again!
At this time of year in Oregon its all about the garden. Outdoor person takes on new meaning, and I spend as much time outside puttering in my 10x20 piece of paradise that I can. I hang with birds, butterflies, bees and the chicks. Occasionally a lawnmower or the infernal leaf blower intrudes but on the whole, it is peace that surrounds me in my garden. One of my favorites, refreshing invigorating Spicy Chai, a blend of lovely vanilla, sweet caramel, cinnamon,with an underlining of Ylang Ylang, Cyclamen, Lily of the Valley, Musk, Myrrh and gentle fruit notes which bring relaxation - a sense of euphoria and rejuvenation.
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