
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Deep in the Heart of Winter

Deep in the Heart of Winter...

I don't know but it seems this year has been an unusually cold bitter year for weather.

Here in the southern part of the great Northwest, mother nature gave us week of balmy 50's then turned on her heel and flounced some 20 degree nights our way.


One thing I do know, it is perfect 'Snuggle' weather.

Here we sit deep in the heart of winter.The world will not remain a cold, dark wasteland forever.
We will see blue skies and tufts of green will spring back to life again. We will welcome spring from her long winter sleep.Till then, Snuggle, a celebration of warm and cozy moments.
A lotion bar is the perfect medium to showcase the rich, pleasing scent 'Snuggle'. A combo of three amazing scents a delicious house blend of three exotic perfume oils; Absynthe, Arabian Spice and Dragons Blood.
Absynthe: not the woodsy herbacious one, this blend is heavy on the spice
Arabian Spice: the stuff that dreams are made of. Myrrh and Orange, with middle notes of Ginger.
Dragons Blood: deeply scented oil, that holds notes of rich vanilla and patchouli, which is then rounded off with extremely light hints of sweet floral notes.
Snuggle has a scent life of over 8 hours and can be layered with other scents. This is over 1oz of lotion bar/solid perfume weighed separately from the container. Solid lotion/perfume bar, a brilliant idea made better by the wonderful natural ingredients in the bar. Almond Oil, Grapeseed oil, Olive oil, Beeswax and coconut oil. My gypsy grandmother's recipe. Or it would be if I had a gypsy grandmother. Anyway, my own formula not a commercial base.

It is nice weather to snuggle in all right. A deep burrow in the evening under blankets that envelop you in a hug... hot steamy beverages are pure comfort and become more than just a caffeine kick in the morning. Peaceful moments with a good book are tailor made for a snowy afternoon. In fact if you don't have any deadlines snowy days can be really peaceful. If you are warm and snug it is a perfect time to be thankful and practice a day of gratitude.

This seems like a peaceful lovely thing to do on a cold and snowy day, I found it on the Internet in a random hop around, just thought I'd share. (..sorry I lost the link to it.)

Take time this week to have a daily check-in with yourself:

1. STOP – take 10-15 minutes and find a quiet place to sit – no radio, music, television, kids, phone, etc.
2. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Focus on your breathe and imagine it flowing through you as you breath in and out.
3. Imagine a small flame in the center of your chest. As you breathe in, the flame expands. As you breathe out, the flame flushes out anything negative in your thoughts or feelings.
4. Sit in silence for a few more minutes. Remind yourself that there is NOTHING for you to do right NOW.
5. When you feel complete, slowly open your eyes. Continue with your day remembering the calm darkness that envelopes you and the warmth of your light within that fuels you.
It is so important that we take the time to recharge, hibernate or go within and stay in that calm darkness, knowing that our light is always there – we only need to allow its gentle flame to regenerate and recharge in the silence of our own winter. And when we honor that cycle of death and rebirth, we will be even more prepared to perform our mission in the world – whatever it might be.
Rev. Tricia

Well on to my own day, I send my blessings as well, taking time for grateful moments!

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