
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy Fall Y'all

It's time to say
Happy Fall Y'all
Thank You Paula Deen...
My fall garden
Just at the peak of ripening
with hopes of lengthening
Our supply of fresh veggies!
What do you do with old windows?
Turn them into a green house!
I just love greenhouses.
They are just so warm and moist. Atmospheric!
And now I have one in my backyard!!!

I am just so excited. Years ago we replaced the old funky windows in my house for newer energy efficient ones and have enjoyed winter from the inside out. What a difference the windows made.

I am always amazed at my husband. He can just do anything if it involves a power tool, and he took all this old stuff and made a perfect shangrila for little veges.  

The old windows and scrap wood have gotten a new life now and I have it loaded with pots to fill as soon as the little seeds are big enough to transplant. I'm pretty sure Swiss chard, beet greens and romaine lettuce will produce into the fall. I plan on buying some commercial nursery planted winter stuff to get a leg up on the process and insure that I get something to harvest. My little seedlings are microscopic now and this is the first year of trying to extend the growing season for me. I am hoping for the best, but who knows.

May all your little seedlings be blessed and grow until they come to fruition!


  1. How nice of your hubby to make this for yall! I know you are happy because I know how much you love your plants and flowers. arn't you glad you kept the old windows. They are perfect and it looks good too..I think I may check into some old windows to build me a flower house out of.
    Have a good and restful night!
    many hugs...

  2. I know, I just love it! I must have walked in there at least 12 times yesterday and just felt good! haha, seriously, the feel inside of a small greenhouse in the winter is just grand. My little seedlings are up about 1/4 inch so I am hopeful that they will actually put on enough growth to winter over. Still plan on scoping out what's available to purchase at the nurserys around here. So good to hear from you Judy! many hugs right back at ya!

  3. Nora, Oh my goodness...I am drooling! I love your a "gosh you're so handy" kind of way! Your veggies look so delicious. You are so lucky to have transplants available in your area. I don't think they're selling them here because of the weather. I wonder if it's too late for us to try something in maybe a smaller version? I am so inspired! Love, love, love it! Harvesting your first veggies from it is going to be so exciting :)

  4. Awesome little crafty one! Glad you are inspired. All you have to do for a long long time is never get rid of anything...haha, and then when the time is right wuah lah...

    But it is an experiment of sorts, it's not a greenhouse proper, no heating source. We are going to experiment with plastic milk jugs filled with water painted black and see if they hold onto any heat worth mentioning at night when the temps drop to below 30's

    I got plants in pots today, will post more pics.
