From the website:
"Iraqi Bundles of Love is a short-duration project, set to last about six weeks, originally intended to surge fabric and sewing (and knitting!) materials into the area around which I live in Iraq. It is timed to coincide with both Ramadan, and the departure of my units from Iraq. If you’re reading this, well — it’s kind of grown. It’s going to help a little bit more of northern Iraq than just the area around where I live.
It is intended to be a simple project, requiring little effort and little expenditures from those wishing to participate. It is based upon my assessment that sewing fanatics and quilters and knitters tend to have stashes that far exceed their actual needs, and that sewing fanatics and quilters and knitters are passionate both about sewing / quilting / knitting, and about sharing with others. ...tons more information you must read...
I completely do support you sharing it with your friends and family and guild and others, via email, etc. — just remind them about the 7 Sept. deadline "
Well I almost missed it but that gives me about 2 weeks from today to get a nice box together, I know we all have stash that we will never get to, or uncompleted quilts lap blankets and the like that we know we ought to give to Goodwill.
All fabric images courtesy of eBay current auctions, Pillows courtesy of Joann's Fabrics Patterns.
Etsy Buy Handmade MerryMusing |
September 17th this project was over on September 1 and look what I just found.
PS, here's the follow up link to some pics of all the donation boxes that this guy collected. So awesome!
My box is in there somewhere!!! How great to see the follow up pictures. A little teary at the generosity of so many people. Sometimes you really have to look to find it, but people still have a heart for the oppressed.
This is just wonderful Nora!! I now wish that I knew how to sew.. so that I had a stash of fabric to send off!! ha ha :D God bless you and I am praying about the dentist today!! Let me know how things go :)