
Thursday, December 2, 2010


Starting the Christmas countdown...What a cute idea to recycle some stuff into an advent tree!

By the looks of how they ordered the numbers on the drawers, the creator had already had one too many cups of Christmas cheer...

but still cute. The matchboxes are big enough that you could hide a real little treat in there. I especially like the idea of the hershey kisses...wink.

and this one...

I love this pop out tree advent calendar, it is a reproduction from the early 1900's.

This one looks really nice too, a little more grown up.

So what is Advent?

Ad·vent noun \ˈad-ˌvent,

Definition of ADVENT
1: the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas and observed by some Christians as a season of prayer and fasting
2a : the coming of Christ at the Incarnation b : second coming
3not capitalized : a coming into being or use
Origin of ADVENT
Middle English, from Medieval Latin adventus, from Latin, arrival, from advenire
First Known Use: 12th century

Advent is the 4 week period before Christmas when the Church celebrates the first coming of Christ and anticipates his second coming. An advent calendar is more than a way of marking the days until Christmas,

take a look at this one!

This one is a 'Jesse tree'.

"The Jesse tree is a symbol of Jesus' family tree.It also takes us through that first long Advent which lasted from the Fall to the Incarnation." She has included printables for all 4 weeks so you can make your own tree. The one below is the first week.

What an awesome tradition to bring life and deeper meaning into this holiday season.

There is so much fluff and falderah that comes eagerly and willingly in my Christmas plans, decorating, cookie making, gift buying, Christmas books and tv, toys and games...I just love this season. I was really happy to find this page with crafts and activities for the kids that give a spiritual  reason why we celebrate so here's the link..
Lots of fun stuff to pick and choose from. There's even candy recipes. hehe.
Of course I notice the candy recipes...

and...yes... in case you're wondering, these fat rolly polly guys are the spitting image of my fine self!

So as we begin this advent season this is what I want to share with you.

First Week of Advent

"Jesus said to his disciples: 'Be constantly on the watch! Stay awake!...You do not know when the Master of the house is coming.'" Mark. 13:33 First Sunday of Advent

O Jesus, your voice sounds through the house of my world: Be on your guard! Stay awake!

Yet I hardly hear you. Busy with so much, I go about the things I do like a servant trapped in household routine, hardly giving a thought to what my life is about. My spirit within has grown tired and you, my God, seem far away. How can I hear your voice today?

Speak to my heart during this season of grace, as you spoke to your prophets and saints. Remind me again of the journey you call me to make and the work you would have me do. I am your servant, O Lord. Speak to me in this holy season and turn my eyes to watch for your coming.

O Emmanuel, Jesus Christ,
desire of every nation, Savior of all peoples,
come and dwell among us.

find the other 3 weeks here:

And I know if you merely read this recipe, you can just about smell it coming out of the oven.

Buttermilk Gingerbread
•1 cup all-purpose flour, sift before measuring

1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
 2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 egg, lightly beaten
5 tablespoons dark brown sugar
1/2 cup dark molasses
1/2 cup buttermilk (or use 1/2 cup regular milk soured with a teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice)
1/4 cup melted butter or shortening
Sift together the flour, salt, soda, and spices. In a mixing bowl, combine beaten egg, sugar, molasses, buttermilk, and melted butter. Add sifted dry ingredients gradually; stirring to blend. Beat until smooth. Turn batter into a greased and floured 8-inch or 9-inch square pan and bake at 350° for about 30 minutes.

So here's wishing you seasons greetings, happiness and true joy beyond what you can even imagine, God's gift to His people!

PS please leave a comment and a link with your favorite advent activities!

Monday, November 29, 2010