
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dreaming... slipping away for just a minute

Just me and Desi in the long long trailer...

Heading for...

....destination unknown.  Or,


.... the beautiful Oregon coast.  I miss the ocean and sand and wind and moderate temperatures. Of course I say that because we are in the middle of our summer heat.

But I am talking about a little vacation time, it's nice to get away.

Sometimes it's a brain vacation, you know, you are supposed to be checking your email, but some how you got here...

And you find yourself happily distracted with Sesame Street speed to a myriad of topics to take your mind off of...whatever. Click the link above for a mini-minute retreat. So much of interest!

Some times the brain needs a surprise! Click the arrow below...


So cute!! A mini vacation without the passport... found here originally, a wonderful place to check every single day of the week, I love her, she uses every single square inch of her gray matter.

Click here, show some support for those who let us freely take our mini's.

But life beckons, work to do, a day to plan. I hope all your mini vaca's are refreshing and happy!