
Friday, September 11, 2009

Grand Opening!

Cue Royal Trumpets!

Prepare the Tea!

Arrange the dainties on the plate,

And get ready, get set,

....I have opened a new shop. It's called Essential Things and is a consolidation of my three seperate shops on Etsy.

Here's my new profile:
I just love it all and more of it, that’s my only problem…that and finding the time to do it all.

I really love the creative process, how it all comes together and is done only when it becomes that finished piece. I am thankful to the Master Creator for the abilities I have, and for the desire to create and recreate, to build and construct as He loves to be creative too.

Essential Things is a melting pot of my three loves and former shops on Etsy, soap making, painting and arting in general, and jewelry making with an addition or two of a brand new love, ceramics, and an old old friend, creating with textiles. I bring my daughter in when ever I can for her help and creative input.

In the mean time, I long for a 36 hour day and dream of the old days when I could see without glasses. I am currently not working at a 9-5, but being a stay at home mom to my grandchildren. My hours are packed and my house is a mess, but I steal every living moment I can to make art in one form or another!

A sneak preview:
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